Friday, September 28, 2007

23 Things - #21 Podcasts

Ahh Podcasts, such an interesting take on radio for the internet age. I actually do occassionally listen to a few podcasts but often those times are few and far between. The suggestion I would have would be Anime World Order. The show has a couple of wonderful hosts and covers everything under the sun with a specialty towards reviewing older/out of print titles. It is a fun hour long show and helps on those long car trips to conventions.
Of the poscast searches I liked Yahoo Podcasts the best given the ease of use, the review tab for each of the sites found, and the summary of each of the found sites. was similar in style but I found Yahoo was simply easier and had more sites. I really disliked PodcastAlly given it simply gave you titles for the podcasts with no idea what they were about.
I like podcasts but as I still don't own and MP3 player or want to hook up my computer to a stereo I think I shall continue to pass on listening to these things on a regular basis. And that actually is a concern because you do need an MP3 player to easily use a podcast unless you like sitting in front of your computer for a lengthy period of time. Just my 2 cents.

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