Friday, September 21, 2007

23 Things - #14 Technorati

An interesting site and an interesting way to show a search. Once more I am less than trilled with the site. Keyword searches seem to bring up multiple problems, at least with something like "Learning 2.0" because you will get a lot of "Learning" and "2.0" mentions individually, not together. Which is a standard search engine issue of course. The odd question I had was how "Authority" is determined as that seems to affect how a search result is displayed. I did find it interesting that the more popular blogs seem in part to revolve around technology. This really does make me wonder how much free time people must spend on the internet to need something like this on a regular basis.
The site is interesting and I am sure people find it helpful but I found it cluttered and not easily navigated, without much more experience. Once more not my favorite site in the world.

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